Can You Really Make Money Buying and Selling Only One Sports Card?
Contributed by Chad Guell
If you have watched enough of our Sports Card Strategy Shows and read enough of our premium content articles, you know that we have talked about becoming laser focused on one card, and becoming an expert at it. Watching closely and buying the dips and selling the peaks. Is this method actually possible to make any money? Let’s take a look at a card of one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. Joe Montana’s rookie card is a 1981 Topps #216. Lets take a deeper dive into market movers to see if this tactic is possible. Specifically we are going to take a look at an affordable, easy to obtain, and very liquid card his PSA 8. This card has a pop count of 8579 and its most recent sale was for $310 on 5/29/23. The first thing I want to show you is how obtainable this card is. This card has transacted 41 times in the last 30 days.
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