A Safe Place to Trade Sports Cards Online? Veriswap.com & MyCardPost.com

A Safe Place to Trade Online? Veriswap.com & MyCardPost.com

A Safe Place to Trade Sports Cards Online? Veriswap & MyCardPost.com


Entering the hobby of sports cards and collectibles can seem overwhelming on account of the hundreds of thousands of cards available, the need to attempt to sort through modern marketplaces to guarantee you’re finding authentic items, and ensuring data you find online is accurate and valuable. We’re here to help, so today we’ll look to continue to help educate newcomers and veterans alike as we break down some of the top options when it comes to finding secure and trustworthy locations to trade collectibles online. 


While trading may appear to be less popular than straight forward sales, it offers transactors on both ends the opportunity to move out of items they may not personally value as high while adding the exact print or collectible to their item that they’re looking for. These items may not typically be valued 1:1 on the secondary market, which is why trades can be great for personal collectors or those in the hobby that use different strategies to try to make money investing in sports cards. 


While in-person trades at local hobby shops, card shows and trade nights are a massive part of the hobby, the reality is that in person transactions represent a small percentage of sports cards changing hands on a daily basis. As the hobby has scaled digitally over the last few years, there have been no true reliable online card for card swapping platforms other than “vouches” on Facebook Groups and Discord, which can be very risky.


But recently there have been platforms launched allowing hobbyists to swap cards with low to no fees reliably without physically being in the same place with the person you’re trading with.


Let’s dive in and look at two online options with trading capabilities.




We’ll begin by looking at Veriswap (veriswap.com). Founded by Raymond Li, Veriswap takes the route of being a 3rd party in the trade, essentially watching from a non-biased angle to “verify, inspect, and ensure,” both sides of the transaction are acting with honesty and integrity. They offer a marketplace feed under their “Discover” tab that allows users to post the cards they’re looking to trade and move out of for the rest of the visitors on the website to scroll through and decide if they’re a good fit for a potential swap. They also have a search feature of the website’s entire card inventory, for those looking for specific prints. Outside of this, the website is relatively barebones, which we love. We’re all about clean functionality and Veriswap offers safe trading without a bunch of gadgets and non-essentials included.


Once you’ve created an account, you’ll then have your own profile to update. This is valuable as you can fill out important information as to what kind of collector you are, who you collect and what specific prints you’re hunting, so others can see which cards in their own inventory you may be interested in. Your profile is essentially your own virtual table, where you can upload your entire available portfolio of cards to be traded. It’s extremely intuitive and efficient to upload your cards to your profile on Veriswap, as they have data synced from PSA to their own website that allows you to simply enter the certification # and the card will then appear for you to select, you don’t even need to upload photos! You can also include vouchers from recent trades you’ve completed within your profile, and once you add the voucher Veriswap actually reaches out on your behalf to attempt to confirm the voucher. If confirmed, Veriswap then returns to your profile with a clean, green checkmark and an annotation of “confirmed reference” to give those visiting your profile peace of mind that you offer honest business.


Trading is simple. Just propose a trade to another user and select the cards you’d like to include/receive, and the other user can then decline, modify, or accept. Proposed trades will show you comparative values and even give you the option to add cash if needed to even sides out. Ultimately, we believe that Veriswap offers a great business model and user friendly features to create a positive experience for their consumers in the space of trading sports cards.


All in all, it seems like Veriswap.com is for higher dollar transactions.




Up next is MyCardPost.com, which was founded by Mark Hill. Dedicated to creating a platform and community that they believe will change the future of the hobby, MyCardPost has created a space for its users to make friends, deal with lower transaction fees, and have the ability to safely buy, sell, and trade prints. With an extremely functional user interface and transparent information as to the size of the community, the value of all deals conducted on the website, and the total cost of fees saved (in comparison to larger marketplaces), MyCardPost is another interesting option for hobbyists to check out for trading purposes. 


While it is technically a marketplace, it does offer direct trading options. Once you’ve created an account at MyCardPost.com, simply browse/search the marketplace, find a card (or cards) of interest from any seller and start a trade offer by clicking the “Trade” button on any listing. From there, simply add your cards and/or cash (to either side do the deal), include a message, and submit. After that, it’s an easy & quick accept, reject, counter offer negotiation until a deal is agreed. Once agreed, both members ship the cards to each other (+ uploading tracking).

The only other fees would be PayPal G&S fees if cash was exchanged in the trade.

You can also click “make deal” on all options across the website, and the user-friendly experience continues as you can then add your cards and the desired cards into the trade, decide if you’d like to include a message to the other user, and hit send! We like this platform for the aforementioned qualities as well as the fact that you can create your own watchlist, similar to eBay, that allows you to track potential prints that you may want to trade for. 

The lack of fees is also a huge positive here, as sellers only pay shipping on both ends and there are apparently no additional fees on top. We look forward to seeing if MyCardPost can catch fire in the near future due to its functional and valuable nature!

"MCP operates on a small fixed monthly subscription model which replaces transaction fees (starting at only $9/month), allowing for unlimited deals and trades within the community without the burden of high seller fees, or buyer premiums," said Mark Hill, founder of MyCardPost.com. "Whether buying, selling, or trading, the platform is built to replicate the experience of a physical card show (online) with no limitations to the deal making options. We also have a Feed where members can make posts on trade (or buying/selling) interests and a Leaderboard that shows our Top Fee Savers, Top Traders, etc which is a great place to start and find people who love to trade within the community. The subscription model creates a secure environment, attracting members who are serious and committed to the hobby. And we’ve also rolled out a public Review (vouch) system, where users can now leave feedback and recommendations linked to the transactions they completed (verified) with sellers, or simply write a direct review (vouch) for someone on their card shop page without a linked transaction (unverified). Ultimately, the goal of MCP was to solve many of the restrictions of fee-based marketplaces and give our members a home base for their entire card business, where they can essentially be the virtual CEO of their own card shop (or table). Everything is included on your profile, other marketplace links, personal websites, social media accounts, etc."

Ultimately, we believe both of these platforms are spaces to check out if you’re either new or an enthusiast to the hobby and are looking for safe places to trade sports cards virtually. We hope this shed light into the upside and available features of both companies, and are excited to see virtual trading grow in the hobby of collectibles!

While many may continue to use social media groups, these two platforms certainly seem like viable trusted options.

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